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Ragusa Ibla

Tour Ragusa Iblathe ancient town has been completely rebuilt on a hill after the terrible earthquake of 1693 which radically upset the Noto valley.

The valley, rich in churches and many nobiliar palaces, is crossed by ancient stairs and small streets that climb up to the top of the hill. This is one of the most important jewels of the Hyblean area surely.
The Cathedral of St. George with the beautiful baroque façade and the imposing dome is always the most important iconographic and rapresentative image of Ragusa. Moreover, immortalized in several occasions in the television series “Il Commissario Montalbano” by Andrea Camilleri, the big surrounding square is surrounded by impressive ancient baroque palaces, among them Arezzi Palace, Cosentini Palace and Donnafugata Palace. The gaze of visitors is often caught by the striking sculptures and at the same time joking that support the ancient balconies, or the so-called masks.


Val di Noto

Tour Notothe 1693 earthquake was a tragedy of biblical proportions: thousands of people died and the whole area was heavily devastated; but it was also the beginning of a new era and the reconstruction work were immediate: a real competition burst between local aristocrats who built the palace or the best house as a sign of social success.
In a short time, all this brought to an abundance of construction of private villas, palaces and churches. Architects and artists who dealt with the construction of various buildings gave vent to all their ingenuity and imagination, and over time the so called Sicilian Baroque reached full artistic maturity breaking away from the original stream and distinguishing itself for the joy and the richness of its creations. These have had the highest expression in the late Baroque towns of the Val di Noto which have entered to take part of the UNESCO World Heritage and they are: Ragusa, Noto, Modica, Scicli, Palazzo Acreidi, Caltagirone and Catania.


Siracusa e Ortigia

Tour Siracusa e Ortiggiaancient past Syracuse was a big city compared with Athens and Rome and for several centuries was the capital of Sicily.All this is reflected in the high density of its cultural and historical old town, full of ancient aristocratic palaces, churches and monastic convents. Today is one of highest tourist propensity city in Sicily for its architectural beauty and as the birthplace of the beautiful baroque art.

Cicero defined the most beautiful and largest of all the Greek cities, and in 2015 along with the necropolis of Pantalica became part of the heritage of humanity by Unesco. 

The island of Ortigia is the extension of the city and is the most ancient start of Syracuse: place particularly attractive, is characterized by small streets and alleys where it is concentrated most of the museums and churches, including the Fountain of Arethusa and the Cathedral of Syracuse born on the ancient temple of Minerva.

In addition the island, for its transparent and crystalline sea as well as for its stunning beaches and Mediterranean climate, is considered one of the most important seaside resort of the whole Sicily.